Shaun Jackson

From marbles under the school trees to the streets of Justice

Reflecting on his time at St Ed’s, Shaun fondly recalls the carefree days of his youth, spent playing marbles under the shade of the Infants trees, with memories of spitfire grubs and dusty sandals serving as nostalgic reminders of simpler times. 

However, it was the influence of one individual, Father Frank Le Fevre, that truly shaped Shaun’s educational journey. Father Frank’s unwavering kindness and genuine nature left a lasting impression, transcending the traditional roles of priest to everlasting mentor.

Upon leaving school, Shaun began on a diverse career path, initially as an apprentice automotive electrician before finding his calling in law enforcement. Joining the NSW Police Force in 2006, Shaun returned to his roots in Tamworth to serve his community. Over the years, he continued to uplevel his skills moving on to specialising policing in plain clothes in 2009 and ultimately achieving the esteemed rank of detective in 2014.

Yet, amidst the accolades and professional triumphs, Shaun humbly acknowledges his greatest achievement – his family. A loving husband and father of 10 children, Shaun sees them not as accomplishments, but as the embodiment of love and support. He credits his wife for her unwavering dedication, recognising her as the cornerstone of their family’s strength.

The connection to St Ed’s remains strong, as each of his children walking along the same path he once did, a sense of continuity and tradition blossomed. From his eldest’s first day in 2003 to the youngest starting kindergarten in 2025, the Jackson family’s legacy at St Ed’s endures.

Shaun Jackson’s journey from marbles under the trees to the corridors of justice is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and community. Through every twist and turn, he remains an inspiration, a reminder that the seeds planted in childhood can blossom into a life of purpose and fulfillment.